Statement from Concordia College

Statement from Concordia College

Over the last week, headlines about a new peril – coronavirus – have been supplanted by those about a very old one: racism.

Concordia College New York condemns racism and injustice in all forms. We pray that the violent and destructive actions of those who would use this upswell of justifiable anger for their own ends do not distract attention from the underlying issues and entrenched systemic inequities that demand real change and reform. 

Concordia empowers students to be change agents through their passion, purpose and service, and as a community, we believe that the first service we owe others is to listen to them. In their time here, Concordia students build relationships across the boundaries of background, faith and race. Drawing on our Lutheran Christian identity, our community takes to heart Jesus’ exhortation to love one another as I have loved you. We believe the practice of understanding those who are different from us can form the basis for a more just world.

Faith is said to give us a new set of eyes; education can do the same. We all have a part to play in effecting positive change, and Concordia College hopes that by delivering on our mission, we may help alleviate the ongoing miseries of racism and injustice through learning, understanding, and ethical action.  

Together, we can do better. We must do better. As God’s children, we are meant for so much more. 

We pray as a community for all those who are suffering.