Music Programs at Concordia Conservatory include private instruction on all orchestral instruments, voice, composition, and theory; classes in musical theater, rock band and songwriting; early childhood programs, our honors program, chamber music, summer camps, and adult programs.
Summer Camp Programs Concordia Conservatory offers camps for early childhood, music, composition, and musical theater. They all focus on community-building and provide an enjoyable environment for musical growth. Additionally, private instruction is offered during the summer.

We Welcome Students for Music Instruction Year-Long
Private Instruction Enrollment

To ensure the student’s best placement with faculty, first-time students enrolling in the private and semi-private instruction programs are required to interview in person with Executive Director Kathleen Suss. There are no audition or portfolio requirements for admission. Private lessons are scheduled in the order in which registration is received. The lessons are scheduled on the basis of student and teacher availability and the Executive Director’s recommendations. The Conservatory makes every effort to accommodate each student’s schedule in assigning lesson times.
Concordia Conservatory offers private, semi-private, and group lesson throughout academic year (32 weeks) and private instruction during summer (6 weeks).