A Call For Chamber Music For The Entire Community

A Call For Chamber Music For The Entire Community

We are encouraging every student of every age to play in a group this year and every faculty, parent and community member to promote the importance of chamber music among their Conservatory students for their musical development whether it is in a Suzuki group class, rock band, traditional chamber music, a cappella choir,  or the holiday community musical. Learning to master your instrument and voice through private lessons and solo repertoire is the first step. Though when we make music together, our music-making becomes social, pleasurable and establishes new ways of learning and expression with others. I encourage all Conservatory musicians - beginners, intermediate and the most advanced to find a “chamber music” venue at the Conservatory this year.

Please contact me directly for advisement at ksuss@concordiacosnervatory.org, Annette Espada, our chamber music chair, welcomes all chamber music participants and is putting groups together now for this fall semester, aespada@concordiaconservatory.org.