Celeste Yee ‘90

Celeste Yee ‘90

Celeste Yee is a massage therapist in private practice in Sarasota, Florida. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Concordia College New York, in addition to graduating from the Sarasota School of Massage. Her past work includes positions at the United States Food and Drug Administration, JetBlue Airways, and the Spa at the Ritz Carlton Sarasota. The child of Chinese immigrants, Ms. Yee grew up in Whitestone, New York; she attended True Light Lutheran Church located in Chinatown, NY, and it was there that her strong Christian foundation was formed. That faith foundation has supported her through many challenges, including domestic abuse, her mother’s and her own breast cancers, a traumatic brain injury, and her father’s Alzheimer’s Disease. Ms. Yee is the full-time caregiver for her parents, who live with her. Her son Michael serves in the Army Reserves while holding a full time job and attending college full time. Ms. Yee considers herself deeply blessed to have so many wonderful people in her life, past and present (including her late grandmother who recently passed at the age of 107!), and makes it her mission to share her faith and joy, and to help and encourage others.